ラ・ロンハ・デ・ラ・セダ (スペイン・バレンシア)

la Lonja de la Seda (Spain・Valencia)

スペイン・バレンシア市の中心には、ユネスコの世界遺産「ラ・ロンハ・デ・ラ・セダ( la Lonja de la Seda)」という建物があります。




In the center of Valencia, Spain, there is a building called UNESCO World Heritage "La Lonja de la Seda".

This place is where I was "Silk (SEDA) exchange". It was built in the late 15th century when Valencia flourished in silk trade.

Valencia of that time was populous and prosperous after Granada. And in the 16th century Valencia will reach the heyday as a relay point of Mediterranean trade.

It seems that silk industry was the reason that brought wealth to Valencia like this.


A pan for such paella was sold at the street corner.